OTTAWA, ON – November 5, 2020 — Today marks the beginning of Veterans’ Week where Canadians will pause to reflect on the sacrifice of the men and women who have served, and continue to serve Canada during times of war, conflict and peace. Sadly, up to 10% of the homeless in Canada’s cities are veterans – a tragic and unacceptable fate for those who have served. The Multifaith Housing Initiative (MHI) and Smooth Commerce are pleased to announce the launch of a charitable giving campaign to support Veterans’ House: the Andy Carswell Building. This program will provide restaurant customers from across the country an easy way to donate to the important cause of alleviating veteran homelessness in Canada.
The type of support most frequently requested by homeless veterans is affordable housing. This collaboration between Veterans’ House and Smooth Commerce will facilitate a quick and convenient way for Canadians to support Veterans’ House in its goal of providing permanent supportive housing for homeless veterans in our nation’s capital and across the country.
“Veterans’ House is offering an inspiring solution to a heartbreaking problem,” said Brian Deck, CEO of Smooth Commerce. “We are proud to be using our mobile commerce platform to support their fundraising efforts and are fortunate to have great brands on our platform join us in this initiative. We know their customers will welcome the opportunity to contribute to this important cause.”
Under this program, customers of participating brands on the Smooth Commerce platform, including Denny’s Canada, Basil Box, Maker Pizza and Greek Souvlaki House, will have the option of adding a donation to Veterans’ House as part of their online or mobile app ordering process. The total will be added at checkout, with donation proceeds going to Veterans’ House. The campaign will run until December 31, 2020.
“We are so appreciative of the support of Smooth Commerce and the great brands they work with to help us reach our goal of ending veteran homelessness,” said Suzanne Le, Executive Director of MHI. “This program will help to give the Veterans’ House project broad exposure across the country and we expect our mission will resonate strongly with Canadians.”
All donations made as part of this program will be matched by Lysander Funds and Canso Investment Counsel Limited, lead supporter of Veterans’ House and investor in Smooth Commerce. Denny’s Canada and Basil Box will also be matching their customers’ donations.
The first Veterans’ House is scheduled to open in Ottawa in January 2021, with additional facilities to be built in cities across the country based on local need.
About Veterans’ House
Founded in 2002, Multifaith Housing Initiative (MHI) is a charitable organization dedicated to providing safe, affordable, and well-maintained housing in inclusive communities. Veterans’ House is a MHI Project that will change – and save – the lives of homeless veterans. Veterans’ House will combine safe housing with essential on-site rehabilitation services. Residents of the unique unit-style community will have access to support services from a variety of partner agencies. This supportive “Housing First” model will give our veterans on-site recovery from health, mental health and addiction-related issues. Not only does the supported housing model improve the overall quality of life but it does so in recognition of crucial and unbreakable experience of military bonds that exist for all in the military community from veterans to their families. This first Veterans’ House: the Andy Carswell Building – is being constructed on the site of the former Canadian Forces Base Rockcliffe in Ottawa, ON. Learn more at www.multifaithhousing.ca/veterans-house.html.
About Smooth Commerce
Smooth Commerce delivers a mobile commerce and engagement platform for restaurants, fuel retailers, sports teams and attractions. Operators leverage their comprehensive solution to provide a convenient digital customer experience. The platform powers white-label mobile apps and web ordering with payment, loyalty, ordering and direct marketing. Its powerful business tools provide valuable customer insights, improve engagement and operational efficiencies, and drive sales and profitability. For more information, visit smooth.tech.
For more information:
Amanda Smith-Millar, MHI, communications@multifaithhousing.ca
Roberto Sarjoo, Smooth Commerce, roberto@smooth.tech